Respite in your own home
Shetland Care Attendant Scheme providing respite to Carers in their own homes throughout Shetland.
Shetland Care Attendant Scheme (SCAS) provides trained Care Attendants to give carers a break in their own homes. This enables the carer to have some quality time to call their own to use as they wish. Carers who may be absent or living away from the person in need of the care are also offered a service to ease their concern or anxiety because they live elsewhere.
This provides a regular opportunity for a carer to take time out from their caring role.
Here are what some of our clients say........ (source: 2016 annual survey)
“I value the SCAS service in Shetland very highly. The Care Attendants have all been excellent and their visits very much appreciated. Without their help and kindness, I would have great difficulty coping.“
“It allows me to go to the SWRI and Guild and be able to enjoy it, without worrying what is going on at home.”
“Fantastic service which has been the catalyst to enabling community care to provide care to a person with Dementia.” “Well done and keep up the good work.”
“Complete peace of mind on the 2 evenings the service is provided. Wonderful to have a break at those times and to be free from worry.”
‘This service has been an absolute godsend to an old lady who had to cope with moving home and living alone at 90. The Care Attendant has played a vital role in helping mum deal with loneliness, also giving family a break and peace of mind. God Bless you all.”
For more information contact: Karen Fraser, SCAS on 01595 743932