Working with Adult Carers
The Carers act now means that the local authority has a statutory duty to provide the following:-
- Carer Support Plans / Young Carer Statements
- Emergency planning
- Carer involvement in hospital discharge
Carer support plans and Young Carer statements can be carried out by Social Workers, Senior Social Care workers in the outer areas of Shetland. VAS are currently working with Shetland Islands Council to agree a service level agreement that will include VAS carrying out some of the Carer Support plans that carers are entitled to.
If you are carrying out a carer support plan please make sure that you are sign posting to the following:-
- Short Break grants
- Support groups
- Newsletter to keep them up to date
We are also able to provide 1:1 support to ensure carers feel supported in their caring role. If you would like to refer to Shetland Carers, please complete the referral form.