I pledge to continue to support carers in any way I possibly can.
Jim GuyanCarers Representative
As chair of the Integration Joint Board I recognise the vital role that carers play within our communities and I pledge to ensure I will always listen to the views of our carers representative, Jim Guyan, who sits alongside me at the IJB as he plays a key role in helping to shape the future of our Health and Care services.
Emma MacdonaldChair
Shetland Care Attendant Scheme pledges to provide unpaid carers throughout Shetland with regular breaks, to give them quality time to themselves with peace of mind. This enables them to continue in their important caring role and keep their loved ones living at home.
Karen FraserManager
Shetland Islands Council recognise the real challenges our working carers face and the valuable contribution they make to their families, friends, our organisation and our community. We pledge to 'Make Carers Visible' by making sure they have a voice that’s heard within the Council and continue to embed a culture of positive support for working carers through our flexible workplace practices.
Councillor Steven CouttsPolitical Leader
We pledge to increase awareness of young carers and the support that is available to them so that all young carers can achieve their goals and feel included and helped in their caring role.
Rhonda SimpsonPrincipal Educational Psychologist
Mind Your Head pledges to promote positive mental health and wellbeing for those who are in a caring role.
Charity JohnsonSupport Practitioner
Ability Shetland pledges to continue to support carers by offering social activities, groups and outreach for people with disabilities in their own communities, and in turn providing respite opportunities for families and unpaid carers.
Stephanie BainTeam Leader
We pledge to continue to support those accessing befriending and provide a break for those in a caring role.
Mairi JamiesonProject Co-ordinator
We pledge to encourage all carers to let us enable them to access all the help and support they can during their studies. Life experience is an invaluable part of our personal growth and education, not a barrier to it and we’re here for you to make sure you achieve your potential in all things.
Gwen Williamson
The learning disability nurse will pledge to provide advice, guidance and support to all those families and carers who access the Shetland Carers service.
Gary DochertyLocum Learning Disability Nurse
As a local elected Councillor I pledge that I will continue to support services provided to and by unpaid carers by highlighting their crucial role in Shetland and across the United Kingdom.
Councillor Catherine HughsonShetland West
We will support carers by recognising their needs as part of our holistic approach to assessing, allowing carers choice in accessing the support available to them.
Clare SerginsonSenior Practitioner
OPEN will provide opportunities for young carers through our project.
Una MurrayProject Co-ordinator
Clan Cancer Support pledges to continue to be there to support anyone affected by a cancer diagnosis.
Dorothy JamiesonShetland Wellbeing Centre Manager
Shetland Citizens Advice Bureau pledges to provide carers with the information and support they need to access their rights, including assistance for carers (and the person they care for) to make successful benefit applications.
Karen EunsonManager
We pledge to offer support to carers, allowing them to remain connected to their communities and so help reduce isolation and loneliness.
Moira BellService Manager
I pledge to support any carers or the person they care for to use self directed support creatively so they can live the life they want.
Karen HannayManager
Alzheimer Scotland continues to offer support to unpaid carers by making sure nobody faces dementia alone.
Ann WilliamsonDementia Advisor
Empower individuals to manage their independence and support them to attend health and wellbeing appointments and activities in the community. Taking the pressure off their carers and family a little.
Nicola StoveILCR Services Manager
Voluntary Action Shetland pledges to increase awareness of the services and the support available for unpaid carers to enable them to continue in their role.
Lynn TullochExecutive Officer
I pledge to continue to identify carers; provide information, advice and support to carers; to facilitate better outcomes for carers’ within Shetland.
Kirsten HarcusSupport Worker
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