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The Scottish Government has made available a further £750,000 to help unpaid carers in Scotland. In Shetland, our allocation of this funding is £3,904.

We will use these funds to administer individual grants to carers who are in need of a break. 

For many carers their caring role has increased due to their usual support services being reduced during the pandemic. We would encourage carers to come forward and apply for a grant to take some time out for themselves. We are flexible about what the grant can be used for as long as it provides an opportunity for a carer to have a break from their routine and will benefit their wellbeing.

These funds will be allocated through our existing Time to Live fund, and the maximum of grant that can be applied for remains at £150. The age restrictions on these grants have been temporarilty removed so that carers of any age can apply (including young carers) and they can be caring for someone of any age (including parent carers). These grants must be spent by the recipients by 31st March 2021. You can also email us at for an application form.

For more information about using your grant please see our flyer here

For some ideas of how you can take a break at home, during these strange times, please visit our page here

For more info and to apply online please visit our Short Break Grants page here. You can also download a Grant Application in Word format here or email us at to request an application.

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