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Parent Carer Support Group

This group usually meets four times a year and we offer different time-out activities. We are trailing extra sessions that are just for a cuppa and a chat. These will be in addition to the regular group.

This group usually meets four times a year and is aimed at Parent Carers who have a child/children with additional needs (diagnosed or undiagnosed). We are trialing a cuppa and a chat sessions and these will be in addition to the regular group.

We offer different activities for each session, and these are usually time-out activities to give Parent Carers a break from their caring role. There is also the opportunity for informal peer support from the others who come along on the day as they may be facing similar challenges. Laura is available during the sessions for individual support. You are welcome to contact her at any time on the details below if you would like individiaul support or have any questions or queries.

We also have a page for parent carers that you may find useful as it has been put together by other parent carers.

  • Monday 25th February 2024 -10am-12pm - Training Room, Market House. This is for a cuppa and a chat, although there will be small crafty things to do if wanted.

This session is open to any parent carer with a child with additional needs (diagnosed or undiagnosed).

Places can be booked by emailing Laura on or phoning 01595 743909 but it is not necessary for this session.

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