Looking after yourself is really important as being a carer is really hard work......
We want to support you to stay as healthy as possible and reduce your stress so that you can continue to carry out your caring role.
There are lots of aspects to staying healthy and here we will guide you to places where you can read more information about this.
Caring for someone can be rewarding but it can also be very tiring, putting a lot of demands on your physical and emotional energy. When you are simply coping day to day and responding to the needs of others, it's easy to forget your own health needs. Carers UK website provide information on a variety of topics which you may find helpful.
A healthy diet is vital for looking after yourself. Click here to find out more about healthy eating and a balanced diet.
Enough sleep is also key to ensure you stay both physically and mentally healthy. If you are struggling to sleep them you may need to consider exercising or an alternative is relaxing exercises such as mindfulness. If you use a tablet or mobile phone then you will find that there are lots of apps associated with this.
If the person you care is waking you a lot in the night you may need to get some help. If you are looking after a child you may find the advice and tips from Sleep Action useful. If you are caring for an adult then you may need to update your carer support plan to include support to enable you to have opportunities to sleep.
For more information, see the information from NHS Choices on sleeping.
Exercise is another aspect that is vital for both your physical and mental health. It helps you deal with stress and makes you feel better emotionally. It can also reduce many health risks. For more information then why not look at this page from NHS choices Get fit for free
Taking time for yourself is essential. Here at VAS we encourage carers to have a life outside their caring role. For more information about this then please see our information about shortbreaks and respitality.
NHS 24 have also produced some new resources, to help people get the support they need with their health and care quickly and safely. You may find some of these resources useful:
Accessing the right mental health care from NHS 24 (leaflet)
Helping you find the right care (leaflet)
My important information for NHS 24 (card) - please note that Shetland Carers have a quantity of these cards available if you would like one to have at home. Please call along Market House or email carers@shetland.org and we can arrange for one to be sent out to you.
As a carer you are also entitled to the flu jab so make sure your doctor has you registered as a carer so you are invited to the annual vaccination programme in your area.
Please contact us if you need any support to improve your health and well being, we would be happy to have a chat about this.