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Direct Payment advice

Shetland Community Connections offer independent advice and information regarding direct payments.

Shetland Community Connections (SCC) can assist with the setting up of direct payment packages, giving information, signposting, helping people find their way through becoming an employer, finding personal assistants, supporting them to purchase services and help to find ways to reduce stress of being an employer. This will be an independent service from the council and will help people to have more choice and control over their own support.

If a Direct Payment package may suit you - then have a read of this document Thinking about a direct payment this will give you infromation about direct payments, how they can be used and the benefits of using the scheme.

They also keeping a list of people who are interested in becoming a Personal Assistant and will send this out to people who are in the process of setting up a direct payment package. SCC DO NOT employ the PA, they are employed by the family with Direct Payment arrangement, and they are responsible for offering the contract of employment and carrying out their own references and vetting procedure. SCC merely holds the list so that there is an opportunity for those with a direct payment package to find out about people who are available for work.

There is a closed facebook page for employers and PA’s if you would like to be invited on to this page then please contact

Click here to visit the SCC website.

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