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Counselling from Shetland Bereavement Support Service

VAS Carers Centre and Shetland Bereavment Support Service (SBSS) - 'working in partnership'

VAS Carers Centre has introduced one to one counselling for carers who have been bereaved.

Here at Shetland Carers Centre we realise that the carers has not only lost the person they care for but they have also lost their role and structure.

We are keen to support carers to find a new sense of purpose. To do this we have a partnership arrangement with SBSS to provide free counselling for carers who have lost the person they care for.

Staffed by trained counsellors from the Shetland Bereavement Support Service, the new service will be available by appointment only.

“Many carers find it difficult to adjust when their caring role ends. As well as losing a loved one, they have also lost the structure of their day and often the professionals and people who usually came through the door everyday have stopped coming. Voluntary Action Shetland’s Carers Centre has a Policy of offering support for up to 2 years after a caring role has ended to help people start to move forward with their life in a different way." Karen Hannay, Development Worker, Shetland Carers Group

Those interested in making an appointment can contact VAS Carers Centre :

Tel: 01595 743923

To visit the SBSS website please click here or to visit their Facebook page please click here.

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