Info for Carers who care for someone affected by drugs or alcohol
There is a Families Affected By (FAB) group that is supported and held at the Recovery Hub, as they know that families can face a number of disadvantages as a consequence of another person’s substance use - such as stigma, loneliness and conflict within the family. These consequences can have a direct impact on the physical and mental wellbeing of their members and often increase their levels of stress and anxiety. Supporting a family member who uses substances can also significantly impact on a family’s finances. The FAB group offers a chance to share your experiences with others who can relate to your situation in a supportive and non-judgmental environment.
The FAB group offers support to people affected by drug and/or alcohol use of someone they know, whether that is a family member, a loved one or a friend. The FAB group offers a chance to share your experiences with others who can relate to your situation in a supportive and non-judgmental environment. They sometimes invite guests along to speak to members about different topics relevant to your circumstances.
Contact Amanda or Mel at the Recovery Hub for more information: Telephone 01595 744402 Email:
Everything said is treated in confidence.
Here are some other support materials which you may find useful…..
National Support
Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol & Drugs - 08080 101011
Drug Science - gives an oversight into how drugs work. It is the leading independent scientific body on drugs in the UK. They work to provide clear, evidence-based information without political or commercial interference.
Adfam - Information and support for the families of drug and alcohol users. This site also has a good page on self care and stress – how you can look after yourself. It also has a section on personal stories - where it might help to know that you are not the only ones.
National Drugs Helpline - 0800 776600
Alcoholic Anonymous - 0845 7697555
Independent Advocacy Service for Shetland
Support available in Shetland
Needle exchange at Laing's Pharmacy, Kantersted Road, Lerwick 01595 692579
Police - 101, ask to be transferred to the Lerwick Police Station
Gilbert Bain Hospital - 01595 743000
Duty Social Work - 01595 744400 / 01595 695611
Samaritans - 116 123
Women’s Aid - 01595 692070
CAB - The Citizens Advice Bureau can provide advice, support and assistance filling in forms on many issues you may encounter as a carer, including legal matters, employment housing, benefit entitlement, debt, as well as self directed support (direct payments). They help to ensure that your income is maximised. To find out more, please call 01595 694696.